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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Automatic Data Processing examples

ADP services - batch processing, time-sharing, facility management, etc.
Programming and systems analysis, design, development, and simulation
Key punching, data entry, transmission, and teleprocessing services
Systems engineering and installation
Equipment installation, operation, and maintenance

Cost Effective Solution: Outsourcing

Outsourcing is done to save money, improve quality, or free company resources for other activities. Outsourcing was first done in the data-processing industry and has spread to areas, including call centers. Outsourcing is the wave of the future. The decision to outsource is often made in the interest of lowering firm costs, redirecting or conserving energy directed at the competencies of a particular business, or to make more efficient use of worldwide labor, capital, technology and resources. Call centers are considered as one of the most common outsourced task for companies. In fact, it is also regarded as the first tasks to be outsourced. Peter Ryan, an analyst for Data monitor explained this statement saying that: -

"The call center industry is now looking to adopt more third-party customer care services than ever before. This means that their horizontal functions will be shifting to more profitable requirements. Additionally, the need to satisfy demand from multiple contact channels as opposed to strictly voice-based services will be crucial for success over the long term.”

Source: aabpo.org


India has a winning edge over other countries because

India has a winning edge over other countries because of the following reasons.

  • Availability of English speaking, skilled human resources in plenty
  • Availability of cheap work force to offer cost effective BPO Solutions.
  • Well defined process to address global needs.
  • High conscious towards quality.
  • Government's support to develop the industry.
  • Availability of advance technology at par with western countries.
  • Flexible human resources to work in various time zones.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Top Internet Marketing Products Reviewed

Top Internet Marketing Products Reviewed

"Making Money Online is Easy Right? It Can Be if You Know What You're Doing"
"TheWealthyPages" will teach you how to earn money online, and best of all, it's free. We've reviewed all of the top "making money" programs online and have created this site to help you determine which products and services will actually help you make money online!

Lesson #1: How Does Someone Make Money Online?
Lesson #2: What If I have No Experience?
Lesson #3: Be careful who you choose to learn from.

Click here : Top Internet Marketing Products Reviewed

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Advantages of BPO

An important aspect of business process outsourcing is its ability to free corporate executives from some of their day-to-day process management responsibilities. Once a process is successfully outsourced, they get more time to, explore new revenue streams, accelerate other projects, and focus on their customers.

By outsourcing their back office operations to third world countries, companies have the following advantages:

Achieve cost reductions – this is made possible through process improvements, reengineering, and use of technologies that reduce and bring administrative and other costs under control.

Key in on company's main business – with the day-to-day back office operations taken care of, the management is free to impart more time to building the company's core businesses

Obtain outside expertise – Rather than recruiting and training personnel, BPO ensures that domain experts from another company provide the needed guidance and skills.

Meet constantly changing customer demands – many BPO vendors provide the management with flexible and scalable services to meet the customers’ changing requirements, and to support company acquisitions, consolidations, and joint ventures

Achieving revenue increases – by outsourcing non-core processes, companies can focus on increasing their sales and marketshare, develop new products, expand into new markets, and enhance customer service and satisfactions.

-source : offshoringtimes.com

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